Network Assessment

9 out of 10 networks have serious IT problems sitting undetected.
Network Assessment

As a leading provider of IT services, we would like to meet with your team and provide a no-obligation health assessment of your computer network and business technology. We will analyze your network to identify vulnerabilities that could leave your organization at risk of a business interruption. Depending on what we uncover, we will also make suggestions on ways to prevent unauthorized access, augment security systems, better lock down sensitive data, become more mobile and, in general, get more out of your existing technology infrastructure.

Our Free Network Assessment is a valuable way to get a thorough understanding of just how healthy your IT system is. You depend on your IT infrastructure to operate your business, and dependable technology can make the difference between success and failure. CPACs Free Network Assessment takes an objective look at your entire IT infrastructure (Servers, Workstations, Printers, Switches, Routers and more) and gives you a clear picture of where you are strong and where you have vulnerabilities and risks.

The objective is to give you useful information for your business, not to sell you hardware or software. What you do with the information is up to you. Just complete the form below to make arrangements for a no-obligation evaluation. If you want more information now, give us a call at (800) 778-2722, and we'll be glad to discuss your Free Network Assessment or answer any other IT support questions you have.

Name: Company:
Email Address: URL:
Phone Number:
Please tell us the approximate number of PC's in your organization:
Which desktop operating system (OS) is used most within your organization?
Please tell us the approximate number of Server's in your organization:
Please type the code shown above: *